Friday, September 2, 2011

My Fortress

The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock,
in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation,
my stronghold.
Psalm 18:2

When we first considered moving to Swaziland, as well as throughout
the entire process, the safety of our children was first priority.
Where would we live? Would we be persecuted? Accepted? Safe? We love
our children greatly and consider them in everything we do here. But
even with boundaries, safety precautions, life lessons, and family
meetings God ultimately has His way of doing things.

Last Sunday Lindsay caught a ride home from church with two of her
friends. Through no fault of the driver, they were all in a serious
car accident. A tire on the car blew out coming down the mountain
highway to our home in the valley. The car veered right and struck a
cement guardrail rolling over a few times only to land on its roof and
slide many meters to a stop. The driver and Lindsay fared well with
only minor cuts, scrapes, bruises and "eggs". The other friend injured
his head and arms but is doing well.

As the car collided with the wall Lindsay was thrown to the floor.
While the car was spinning and flipping she hung to the front seat
belt holder knowing if she was thrown from the car she'd be dead.
After the accident she quickly removed herself from the scene due to
the dangerous position on the highway. God is good! Lin was smart!

We as parents often wonder why things like this happen. Why were we
assaulted and attacked at our home, why we have had previous
accidents, injuries, and sickness. Why this now, Lord? We can ask and
maybe we'll get an answer. More importantly God has a plan in
everything. It's hard to accept that when it comes to your children.
He is our refuge and deliverer in near death experiences and those
that bring us to our rightful home with Him.

Thank you for praying for us. It has been felt and seen. Continue to
pray for our safety. Pray for Lindsay's ever growing testimony of the
goodness of God and that lives would be changed. And rejoice with us
for God extending His mercy.

We love and miss you all.

Danny, MaryAnn, Lindsay, Olivia, Sophia and Jude Makaphile

1 comment:

  1. I am hardly ever online! But just saw this- Oh so thankful your girl is alright!!! I know God will use this incident for His greater good- just as He does with so much of what we think of as negative... I am thankful for your family's willingness to be used by Him and that you are leaving a legacy to so many others who would never know God, had you not been faithful. May God continue to protect you, bless you, hold you close. - love from the Deroche's
